"Energy 2010" - Engineering Services for the Renewal of the 110 kV Electricity Supply in the Cologne Premises of DLR (German Aerospace Centre)

In its Cologne premises, the German Aerospace Centre ("DLR") inter alia operates advanced gas turbine equipment and testing stations for high-pressure combustion chambers. This energy-intensive equipment uses the available electricity capacity to the maximum, parallel operation of all equipment is not possible. Given the planned further expansion of its facilities, DLR Cologne requires a renewal of the 110 kV electricity supply and of the existing 6 kV supply network.

  • Services phases 1 to 9 of HOAI (German official scale of fees for services by architects and engineers)
  • Basic evaluation and pre-planning with cost estimate
  • Concept design and compilation of permit planning documentation
  • Elaboration of technical specifications and Bills of Quantities (BoQs)
  • Tender documents, assistance for tendering and award
  • Construction supervision, testing and commissioning, assistance during the defect liability period, as-built documentation
Technical Data
  • Rehabilitation and expansion of one existing 110 kV substation
  • Installation of two additional transformers (31.5 MVA each)
  • Erection of a new 6 kV switchgear including ancillary installations
  • Reorganisation of electricity supply the different medium voltage consumers
  • Installation of the required cable and line routes
  • New SCADA system

RheinEnergie AG
RheinEnergie AG
2012 - 2015
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