Preparation of an EU Tender for the 110 kV Cable Connection in "East" Substation, Heidelberg
Stadtwerke Heidelberg is a regional utility that supplies the city of Heidelberg and its partner municipalities with gas, electricity, district heat and drinking water and operates the swimming pools, mountain railways and multi-storey car parks in the city area. In connection with the renewal of the "East" Substation, three 110 kV mains cables and two 110 kV transformer cables are to be supplied, laid and connected to a gas-insulated switchgear that will be erected.
- Services phases 1 to 7 of HOAI (German official scale of fees for services by architects and engineers)
- Basic evaluation and pre-planning with cost estimate
- Concept design and compilation of permit planning documentation
- Elaboration of technical specifications and Bills of Quantities (BoQs)
- Tender documents, assistance for tendering and award
- Dismantling and disposal of external gas pressure cables
- Supply, laying and connection of three 110 kV mains cables and two 110 kV transformer cables, incl. cable scaffolding and fixings
- Supply and installation of 3 outer gas pressure / XLPE transition joints