Protection Concept for the 110 kV Network of Stadtwerke Heidelberg

Stadtwerke Heidelberg Netze GmbH (regional utility) supplies the city of Heidelberg and its partner municipality with electrical energy. For energy distribution, it operates a total of 8 110/20 kV transformer stations. The protection and control technology was to be successively modernised. For this purpose, CONSULECTRA elaborated a new protection concept for the 110 kV cable network.

  • Elaboration of a new protection concept for the 110 kV voltage level and coordination of the protection functions
  • Preparation of specifications and tender documents for 110 kV protection and field control devices
  • Bid evaluation and recommendation for award
Technical Data
  • Specified protection functions: Overcurrent protection, transformer differential protection, line differential protection, distance protection, distance protection with synchrocheck
  • Station telecontrol head according to IEC 61850 and IEC 60870-5-104

Stadtwerke Heidelberg Netze GmbH
Stadtwerke Heidelberg Netze GmbH
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