Target Network Planning for the 110 kV Network of Rheinische NETZGesellschaft (RNG), Cologne

RNG is the owner of the 110 kV city grid in the greater Cologne area. The urban high-voltage grid underwent significant changes at the time, including the connection of the new combined cycle power plant "Niehl 3", a new 380 kV feed-in at the Merkenich substation, the reduction of 220 kV transfer points at three substations and new requirements from the local transmission system operator. Due to the changing conditions, RNG needed new guidelines for the strategic planning of a target network with a time horizon of 20 years. This included the techno-economic assessment of the existing 110 kV equipment with special attention to its strategic replacement/renewal or even reduction without losses to security of supply.
- Load flow calculations (with PowerFactory) for four variants
- Short circuit calculations for these variants
- Coordination and determination of a target variant
- Verification of the black start capability of the selected variant for a previously defined main network
- Calculation of earth fault currents
- Determination of strategic replacement investments for cable network, transformers and Petersen coils
- Reliability analysis and evaluation of the individual installations
- Summary of results as planning guideline and expansion plan for the 110 kV grid
110 kV city network with a cable length of 341 km, 37 km of overhead lines and an annual peak load of 968,036 KW (2020)